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Using state with complex non-JSON serializable data

It is possible to have states (root level or nested) to hold instances of custom classes, including standard classes like Date. Accessing these values, will automatically enable noproxy option for the State.get function. It means these values will be tracked by Hookstate for rerendering purpose as whole instances, ie. using one property of such a value, means the entire object is used.

If a state value holds a function, but the value is an instance of Object class, then it is required to set noproxy explicitly before accessing the function, for example:

let state = useHookstate({ callback: () => {} })
state.get({ noproxy: true }).callback()

If you use extensions, such as localstored, which requires to serialize and deserialize the state value, you may need to add serilalizable extension to the state and define how a custom class value should be serialized and deserialized.