Nested state
The Local state and Global state sections show examples where state data is a primitive value. Next, we will have a look into one of the most powerful features of Hookstate - the interface to a nested state of a complex object state. The interface is the same for local and global states and works equally well for both cases.
Accessing and mutating nested state
Let's consider the following example where a state value is an array of objects. It demonstrates how to dive into the nested state of the array and deeply-nested state of an element of the array. The state of an element is passed to a child component as a property. The child component gets and sets the deep nested state.
As you can see, a state mirrors the actual properties of the corresponding state value. State of an array is an array of states. State of an object is an object of states. We can deal with a state of an object like with any other variable, including passing it as a component property, like in the example above.
We can dive to the deeply nested states of primitive values and set it, like
we set the name property of a task in the TaskEditor
We can also set a state of an object to the entire new object. In the example above,
we append new element to the state of tasks, using the merge
method: state.merge([{ name: 'Untitled' }])
state method
You may have noticed that a state object mixes properties from the state value object (eg. name
property from
state) and state methods (eg. merge
property from State interface). It is very likely that names of properties from your state objects will not collide with names of state methods.
In other words, your objects are unlikely to have properties named, like merge
, set
, get
, etc.
However, it is more likely your objects may have properties with names like value
or error
, which also
exist in state methods.
If the collision happens for whatever property name, properties
from state methods take priority and "hide" access to nested states via .
syntax. However,
there is a nested
state method, which allows accessing nested state by name. For example
would give access to the same nested state as
in the example above.
So, if it ever happens that
your state
object has got a property with the name, for example set
, which collides with the corresponding
state method, you would be able to obtain the nested state behind the set
property using nested method: state.nested("set")
It is also necessary to use nested
method instead of property access by index syntax,
when a property name is unknown at compile time and comes as a variable of type string
or number
, for
example, if you have got the state defined as the following, which allows for dynamic names of nested properties:
const dictionaryState = hookstate<Record<string, number>>({})
function NestedStateByName(props: { stateKey: string }) {
const state = useHookstate(dictionaryState)
you are required to use the nested
as the following would not be allowed by the typescript compiler:
However, if your dynamic property name is from a set of names which are known at compile time and do not collide with state methods, you would be able to use property access by index syntax. For example:
const dictionaryState = hookstate<Record<string, number>>({})
function NestedStateByName(props: {
// note: compiler knows allowed names
stateKey: 'property1' | 'property2'
}) {
const state = useHookstate(dictionaryState)
// so access by index works, which would be equivalent to:
// state.nested(props.stateKey).value
return <>{state[props.stateKey].value}</>
Below, you will find more about available methods for managing nested states.
Advanced mutations for an object state
Setting new state value
Let's consider the following state:
const state = useHookstate({ a: 1, b: 2 })
One of the state methods is set
, which is used to set the new state value.
state.set({ a: 2, b: 3 })
New state value can be also a function, which returns new value and accepts the previous one:
state.set(p => ({ a: p.a + 1, b: p.b - 1 }))
Learn more about State.set in the API reference.
Getting names of existing properties
Let's consider the following state:
const state = useHookstate({ a: 1, b: 2 })
returns an array of names of existing properties. It is equivalent to Object.keys(state)
or Object.keys(state.value)
const keys = state.keys // will be ['a', 'b'] for the above example
Learn more about State.keys in the API reference.
Updating existing property
For a given state:
const state = useHookstate({ a: 1, b: 2 })
The most efficient and recommended methods to update a nested property are the following:
state.a.set(p => p + 1) // increments value of property a
// or
state['a'].set(p => p + 1)
// or
state.merge(p => ({ a: p.a + 1 }))
These set only property a
, so it will rerender every component where property a
is used.
Avoid the following:
There are alternative, less efficient methods, resulting in the same mutation and data state. The following sets the entire object state to the new value (although only a
property is changed), so it will rerender every component where any property of the state is used.
state.set(p => ({ ...p, a: p.a + 1 }))
The following sets only the property a
but uses the current property value via the State.value, which marks the property a
as used by a component even if it was not used during the last rendering. In other words using nested property state in rendering or in action dispatch
has the same effect: a component is rerendered on property update.
state['a'].set(state.a.value + 1) // increments value of property a
Learn more about State.set and State.merge in the API reference.
Adding a new property
For a given state:
const state = useHookstate<{ a: number, b?: number }>({ a: 1 }) // notice b property is optional
The recommended methods to add a new nested property are the following:
// or
// or
state.merge({ b: 2 })
Notice the state
object has got any property defined,
although not every property might pass Typescript compiler check.
We accessed non existing property b
and set it's state.
It represents the fact the state of undefined
property is actually a defined state object,
which can be used to set undefined
property to a new value.
It allows to add new properties to the state using the same method as is used for updating a property.
Avoid the following
as it can be potentially less efficient than the above recommended methods:
state.set(p => ({ ...p, b: 2 }))
Learn more about State.set and State.merge in the API reference.
Deleting an existing property
For a given state:
const state = useHookstate<{ a: number, b?: number }>({ a: 1, b: 2 }) // notice b property is optional
The recommended methods to delete a property are the following:
import { none } from '@hookstate/core'
// or
// or
state.merge({ b: none })
Avoid the following
as it can be potentially less efficient than the above recommended methods:
state.set(p => {
delete p.b
return p
Learn more about State.set and State.merge in the API reference.
Swapping two properties
For a given state:
const state = useHookstate<Record<string, number>>({ a: 1, b: 2 })
The recommended method to swap properties is the following:
state.merge(p => ({ b: p.a, a: p.b }))
Avoid the following
as it can be potentially less efficient than the above recommended method:
state.set(p => {
const tmp = p.a;
p.a = p.b;
p.b = tmp;
return p
Learn more about State.set and State.merge in the API reference.
Partial updates and deletions
You may have noticed the usage of State.merge above. This does a partial update to the state and can insert, update and delete properties all in one call:
const state = useHookstate<Record<string, number>>({
propertyToUpdate: 1,
propertyToDelete: 2
propertyToUpdate: 2,
propertyToDelete: none,
propertyToAdd: 1
}) // state value will be: { propertyToUpdate: 2, propertyToAdd: 1 }
Learn more about State.set and State.merge in the API reference.
Advanced mutations for an array state
Setting a new state value
Let's consider the following state:
const state = useHookstate([1, 2])
Use set
state methods to set new state value:
state.set([2, 3])
New state value can be also a function, which returns new value taking the previous one:
state.set(p => [p[0] + 1, p[1] - 1])
Learn more about State.set in the API reference.
Getting indexes of existing elements
Let's consider the following state:
const state = useHookstate([1, 2])
returns an array of numbers of existing indexes. It is equivalent to Object.keys(state)
or Object.keys(state.value)
but includes only indexes as numbers (not as strings, like for an object state).
const keys = state.keys // will be [0, 1] for the above example
Learn more about State.keys in the API reference.
Updating existing element
For a given state:
const state = useHookstate([1, 2])
The most efficient and recommended methods to update a nested element are the following:
state[0].set(p => p + 1) // increments value of an element at 0 position
// or
state.merge(p => ({ 0: p[0] + 1 }))
It sets only element at 0
, so it will rerender every component where this element is used.
Avoid the following:
There are alternative less efficient methods resulting in the same mutation and data state. The following sets the entire array state to the new value (although, only 0
index is changed), so it will rerender every component where any property of the state is used.
state.set(p => ([p[0] + 1].concat(p.slice(1))))
The following sets only property 0
but uses the current property value via the State.value, which marks the property 0
as used by a component even if it was not used during the last rendering. In other words using nested property state in rendering or in action dispatch
has got the same effect: a component is rerendered on property update.
state[0].set(state[0].value + 1) // increments value of an element at 0
Learn more about State.set and State.merge in the API reference.
Appending a new element
To a given state:
const state = useHookstate([1000])
The recommended methods to add new element are the following:
// or
Notice the state
object has got any index defined.
It allows to extend array state using the same method as for updating of an existing element.
Avoid the following
as it can be potentially less efficient than the above recommended methods:
state.set(p => p.concat([2000]))
Learn more about State.set and State.merge in the API reference.
Deleting an existing element
From a given state:
const state = useHookstate([1000, 2000, 3000])
The recommended methods to delete an element are the following:
import { none } from '@hookstate/core'
// or
state.merge({ 1: none })
Avoid the following
as it can be potentially less efficient than the above recommended methods:
state.set(p => {
delete p[1]
return p
Learn more about State.set and State.merge in the API reference.
Concatenating with another array
For a given state:
const state = useHookstate([1000, 2000])
The recommended method to append another array is the following:
state.merge([3000, 4000])
Learn more about State.set and State.merge in the API reference.
Swapping two elements
For a given state:
const state = useHookstate([1000, 2000])
The recommended method to swap elements is the following:
state.merge(p => ({ 1: p[0], 0: p[1] }))
Avoid the following
as it can be potentially less efficient than the above recommended method:
state.set(p => {
const tmp = p[0];
p[0] = p[1];
p[1] = tmp;
return p
Learn more about State.set and State.merge in the API reference.
Splicing elements
Use the Array.prototype.splice
function to remove, replace or delete elements. In particular, this can be used to prepend new elements to an array value:
const state = useHookstate([3000, 4000])
state.set(p => {
p.splice(0, 0, 1000, 2000);
return p;
Partial updates and deletions
You may have noticed the usage of State.merge above. This does a partial update to the state and can insert, update and delete array elements all in one call:
const state = useHookstate([1000, 2000, 3000])
0: 2,
1: none,
3: 4000
}) // state value will be: [2, 3000, 4000]
Learn more about State.set and State.merge in the API reference.
Advanced mutations for a string state
Concatenating with another string
For a given state:
const state = useHookstate("Hello ")
The recommended method to append another string is the following:
state.merge(" World") // state.value will be "Hello World"
// or the same
state.set(p => p + " World")
Learn more about State.set and State.merge in the API reference.